Pre-Installation / System Requirements

This is the first step when installing a Unanet System.  

Please make sure your setup meets the System Requirements and that all the items in the Other Considerations section are done before continuing to step 2.

The topics covered on this page include:


You may also be interested in seeing a list of Sample Platforms.

System Requirements



Client Requirements



Any client operating system supporting:

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer IE10, IE11

  • Firefox (later supported versions)

  • Chrome (later supported versions)


Browser Configuration:  The default settings for most browsers is sufficient to use Unanet.  In particular though, the browsers must be configure to allow cookies and javascript.  .

Popup Blockers:  will need to be configured to allow popups from your Unanet site.

Server Requirements


Web Servers

The web server embedded in Tomcat will run the Unanet application, however, you can also use an external web server such as:

  • Microsoft IIS 7 or higher

  • Apache 2.2.x or higher


Note: Beginning with Unanet version 10.0, we no longer support JRun.


  • Java 1.8


Note: We currently have yet to support Java versions 9, 10, and 11. Unanet plans to support the Long Term Support (LTS) versions of Java.  Currently, Java SE 8 is supported, with plans to support Java SE 11 when it is released.

Note: Beginning with Unanet version 10.3, we no longer support Java 1.7.
Note: Beginning with Unanet version 10.0, we no longer support Java 1.6.
Note: Beginning with Unanet version 9.6, we no longer support Java 1.5.

Servlet Engines

  • Tomcat 8x (including 8.5)


Note: We currently have yet to support Tomcat version 9.

Note: Beginning with Unanet version 10.3, we no longer support Tomcat 7.
Note: Beginning with Unanet version 10.0, we no longer support Tomcat 6.

Important: Avoid use of Tomcat v8.0.32.   There is a known issue with this version that will cause problems with Unanet reports. The Tomcat issue was resolved beginning w/ v 8.0.33.

Operating System

  • Windows 2008, 2008-R2, 2012, 2012 R2, 2016
  • Unix / Linux

Note: Supported on 32 & 64 bit operating systems.

Note: Supported Virtual Environments - we include Hyper-V and VM-Ware in our testing procedures.

Note: Supported Cloud Platforms -- we include AWS in our testing procedures.  We are aware of customers successfully operating in Azure, however, we have yet to include this in our testing procedures.


  • Oracle 11gR1, 11gR2, 12cR1, (Windows), * Jan 2018 update (Linux)

*Note: Due to issues identified during our testing for 12cR2 on Linux OS, we recommend using the specific version of as listed above.


Note: Beginning with Unanet version 10.0, we no longer support Oracle 10.
Note: Beginning with Unanet version 9.6, we no longer support Oracle 9.


  • Microsoft SQL Server 2008, 2012, 2014, 2016 (Enterprise, Standard, Express Editions where available)


Note: Beginning with Unanet version 10.0, we no longer support SQL Server 2005.
Note: Beginning with Unanet version 9.4, we no longer support SQL Server 2000.

Note: JDBC drivers are included.

Note: The Express version has a number of limitations which may prevent its use in your environment, such as:

    • Constrained to a single CPU (in 2012, this limitation has been changed to "the lesser of one socket or four cores" - thus, multi-threading is possible)
    • A maximum of 1GB RAM Buffer Pool (same in 2008 & 2012)
    • A maximum 4 GB database size (raised to 10GB in SQL 2008 & 2012)
    • Further, it may lack certain enterprise level utilities that may be of interest for database maintenance, tuning and possible future SQL Server version migration needs.  Further information my be found at:


Other Considerations

Before proceeding to step 2 of the Unanet installation checklist, please make sure you have the following:


You may also be interested in seeing a list of Sample Platforms.

Next Step

Step 2 -- Install Unanet Software

Once you have these pre-install requirements satisfied, you can now move on to installing the Unanet software.