Admin Setup - Cost Reports


This screen will display the list of report definitions configured in your system.  The report definitions defined via this screen are available for use on a number of Project Accounting reports.  Each definition can be configured to include desired Report Items.  For each Report Item, you can define  Actuals  and  Budget  formulas that determine how that report item will be calculated.   

Report Item formulas may include:


See Revenue and Cost Reporting Calculations for more information about the values on these reports.


This screen is available to users having the following roles: Administrator and P&R Administrator.


This screen is available with the Project Tracking and Project Portfolio family of Unanet licenses.


Topics covered on this help page include:


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Example Cost Report - List:

This screen will display a list of the available report definitions configured in your system.  Using this screen, you can add, edit, copy or delete report definitions.  You can modify any report definition at any time (regardless as to whether it is currently referenced elsewhere in the system).   The name provided to the report definition will appear as an available selection criteria option on a number of Project Accounting reports search screens.

Copy Note:  When copying an existing Cost Report definition, note that if the definition being copied has the Use in Revenue report option selected, the newly copied definition will not have that option selected (as it can only be specified on one definition at a time).

Field Descriptions (click on a link below for additional information):




Example Cost Report - Edit:


Summary tab

On this tab, you will simply provide the Name and Description to be used for the report definition.  

Field Descriptions (click on a link below for additional information):



Report Elements tab


Field Descriptions (click on a link below for additional information):




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