The Reporting On selection criteria can be used to specify whether this report is to reflect Billable amounts, Cost information or Burdened Cost information when performing calculations.  On certain reports, the actual bill or cost rate is displayed in the report output.  On other reports, the rate may not be displayed, however, this selection option will still influence whether the calculated amount reflects cost data, burdened cost data or bill (revenue) data.  In some instances, this control will also influence which budget amounts are considered in the report calculations.

When the Burdened Costs option is selected, percent complete is calculated on raw costs. However, the report output will include the display of burdened cost budgets and burdened costs.

This selection criteria option will only be visible to users with the Administrator or Bill AND Cost Rate Manager roles.  If the user has only one of the Rate Manager roles, the selection criteria choice will not display, and the report will reflect which ever rate manager role they have.  If a user has neither rate manager role, the control will not be displayed and the resulting output will reflect hours (as far as time output is concerned) -- or certain reports may not appear at all if a rate manager role is required.  

Note regarding  Non-Billable Amount Suppression:

When charging Actuals to a non-billable project type, the hours values may be included in report output, however, any associated billable / revenue amounts will reflect $0.00.  This determination is based on the project type selected when saving the timesheet rather than the project's default project type.

Similarly, for any reports that use Assignment or Planned Work hours to calculate expected revenue, the billable / revenue amounts will also reflect $0.00 for project's having a non-billable default project type.


Cost Rate Overrides and Dilution

When dilution is enabled, the default behavior is to ignore the cost rate overrides at the assignment and plan levels (for the exempt users that are impacted by the dilution calculations), and instead always use the user’s person profile cost rate information.   When dilution is enabled, and the Use Plan Cost Rates for Dilution (unatime.cost.dilution.use_plan_rates) property is also enabled, the reports that operate on planning data will use the plan level cost rate overrides even though dilution is enabled.  This property has no effect when dilution is not enabled, as the plan level rate overrides are already considered in that case.