Project Expense Budgets

Expense budget entries can be created at the project or task level.  These budget amounts do not currently constrain the entry of actuals, but rather are used for comparative reporting and analysis purposes.  These budget amounts are currently reflected on a number of reports including the Project Summary Performance report, Project Expense Schedule Detail, Project Costing ODC Detail and a number of the Periodic Reports and Charts.

Project Managers, Project Leads (and their alternates) have the ability to create and maintain Expense Budget entries.

This feature is available with the Expense only, Project Tracking and Project Portfolio editions of Unanet.

The Expense Budgets menu has a number of sub-menu options used to manage expense budget information for a particular project or task.  The Expense Budget menu is accessible via the Project Profile left menu.

Click on a link below to learn more about each particular expense budget option:

Import  (load batch csv file of Project or Task level expense budget entries)

Export  (create csv output file containing all Project or Task level expense budget entries)

List  (display Search / List tabs for listing Project or Task level expense budget entries)

Edit Individual Expense Budgets

Add Expense Budgets  (bulk add/edit screen)

Budget with Grid  (maintain expense budgets in a periodic (e.g. month by month) matrix layout).


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