Reports - Financial - Accounts Payable Aging


The Accounts Payable Aging report can show the amount currently payable to vendors (including the number of Days Past Due) for vendor invoices (net of payments and adjustments applied to the invoices).  

Users have the option of specifying a fiscal period as of which to run the report should they desire to tie a balance back (per the AP Aging) to the balance in the General Ledger, as of the end of a particular fiscal period.  When no fiscal period is specified the aging will reflect all posted activity.

The aging categories (i.e. Days Past Due buckets) for individual invoices is computed by determining the number of days between the Aging Date (specified by the user) versus a particular date on the Vendor Invoice (either the Document Date, Due Date or Vendor Invoice Date).  

The user can specify the detail level at which to run the report, including either; Vendor, Vendor within Account, or Vendor within Organization within Account (including sub-totals at each level), and whether to show details or simply higher level balances by Vendor.


This report is available to users having any of the following roles:  Administrator and AP Viewer.


This report is available with the Project Financials family of Unanet licenses.


Topics covered on this help page include:


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Selection Criteria

Field Descriptions (click on a link below for additional information)


Example Report Output


Field Description Notes


Detail Report

Report Grouping/Arrangement - these will appear as row pairings (with a corresponding sub-total)


Column Details


Summary Report (when "Show Vendor Balance Only" selected)

Report Grouping/Arrangement - these will appear as row pairings (with a corresponding sub-total)


Column Details


PDF, Excel, and CSV Output

On this report you will notice the PDF (), Excel (), and CSV () icons, which can be used to produce the report output in these alternative formats.


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