Reports - Project Accounting - Fixed Price Details


This report provides for the ability to report on fixed price billing items and their associated revenue recognition schedules.  The report can be configured to optionally display Unbilled and Billed amounts, Deferred and Recognized Revenue amounts, Revenue Recognition Schedules, and can also be used to show Past Due Fixed Price items (those configured to Bill on Completion).   


This report is available to users having any of the following roles:  Administrator, P&R Administrator, Billing Manager, Billing Viewer (and their alternates).


This report is available with the Project Tracking and Project Portfolio family of licenses.


Topics covered on this help page include:


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Selection Criteria

Field Descriptions (click on a link below for additional information)


Example Report Output


CSV Output

On this report you will notice the CSV () icon, which can be used to generate a CSV formatted output.  Whatever columns you select under Column Options will also appear in the CSV formatted document.  

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