Reports - Project - Metrics Comparison


This report provides a means of comparing a variety of project metrics in a 'one line per project' output.  The report is highly configurable, allowing you to include hours, bill and/or cost information, as well as a number of margin values.


This report is available to users having any of the following roles:  Administrator, P&R Administrator and Project Administrators.

Users having the Bill Rate Manager and/or Cost Rate Manager roles will have access to those options when running the report.


This report is available with all Unanet editions.


Topics covered on this help page include:


Selection Criteria

Field Descriptions (click on a link below for additional information)


Example Report Output

Usability Tip: On this report you can click on a Project Code which will navigate you to the project profile for that specific project.  It may be useful to right click on that link and open the project's profile in a new tab.  This will allow you to adjust your project / task settings and then refresh this report in the original tab to review the resulting changes.

See the Report Calculations page for more information about derived value calculations.

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