Project People Plans

The People Plans menu is used to manage user planned work entries for a particular project or task and is only available if your system is licensed for the planning module (Project Portfolio license).  The People Plans menu is accessible via the Project Profile left menu.

Note that only users having the Resource Planner role and whom are authorized to operate on the current project or project organization have authority to create plans.  See Organization Access and Restrict View for additional information.

Creating planned work entries gives the Resource Planner the flexibility to explore various "what if" scenarios without impacting people's work.  Once the Resource Planner is satisfied with the plan they created, they can transfer the plan into an actual assignment.  At that point, the users will be able to see the work that was planned for them and can start reporting time and expenses against the actual project and/or task.  There are a variety of reports that compare planned work to actuals and assignments.

Only those active users having a UnaSource User role can be planned.


Note that the creation of plans for a single project can occur via this screen.  To create plans for individuals across many projects check out the People Planner screens.


Click on a link below to learn more about each particular planning option:

Import Plans

Export Plans

Plans List

Edit Individual Plan

Add Plans  (bulk add/edit screen)

Add Plans w/ Search  (search for users by availability, skills, etc).

Plan with Grid  (maintain plans in a periodic (e.g. month by month) grid layout).


Assign Plans

Assign Plans    (this screen is accessible from other planning screens -- allowing you to create assignments from the planning entries on those screens)

    Assign Plans    (this screen is accessible from the project profile menu -- allowing you to search for the specific planning entries you would like to copy to assignments)

Plans - Knowledge Center Topics




Cost Rates Overrides on People Plans and User Classification Note

Cost Rate overrides specified on People Plans will only be reflected in reporting output for those users having a classification of Non-Exempt and Non-Employee in the following cases:
  -- Dilution is enabled and the Use Plan Cost Rates for Dilution (unatime.cost.dilution.use_plan_rates) property is disabled

Cost Rate overrides specified on People Plans will also be reflected in reporting output for those users having a classification of Exempt in the following cases:
  -- Dilution is disabled
  -- Dilution is enabled and the Use Plan Cost Rates for Dilution (unatime.cost.dilution.use_plan_rates) property is enabled.

Prevent Double Booking

Your Administrator can configure your site with the Allow Overbooking Blockout (unasource.overbooking.blockout.allowed) property to help prevent double booking.  With this property set to false, the system will prevent the addition of new 'blocked out' planned work entries that overlap existing blocked out entries for a given date.  You can still enter overlapping planned work entries, however, only one will be allowed with the 'block out' indicator set. This feature may be useful as part of a scheme to prevent double booking by utilizing the 'block out' feature as a means to define hard-booked (scheduled) activities vs. soft-booked (planned) activities.


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