Reports - Financial - Bank Reconciliation


The Bank Reconciliation report displays the reconciliation between a particular bank statement (bank account and statement date combination) and the associated general ledger balance as of the fiscal period associated with the statement date.  The various sections contain the following information:

There are three sections in the report:


This report is available to users having any of the following roles:  Administrator and GL Admin.


This report is available with the Project Financials family of Unanet licenses.


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Selection Criteria

Field Descriptions (click on a link below for additional information)


Example Report Output


Report Notes


First line of the report, printed above all sections is Beginning Balance Per Bank Statement. The amount is selected directly from the Bank reconciliation Statement table for the selected Bank Account and Statement Date that is the latest within the selected statement date range.

All three sections of the report contain two subsections:Deposits and Other Credits: (credits) and Checks and Other Payments: (debits). If GL's credit amount is larger than the debit amount, the transaction is classified as a credit, and if it's less than debit amount, it's a debit transaction.  Amount displayed on the detail line is always (debit - credit).

At the bottom of each sub-section we display Totals: Total Checks and Other Payments: (normally negative) and Total Deposits and Other Credits: (normally positive)

All records within a section/sub-section are ordered by Document Date.

Cleared Transactions
These rows are identified by their existence in GL and bank_reconciliation_detail table for the current bank reconciliation (for the selected Bank Account and Statement Date that is the latest within the selected statement date range.)  At the end of this section the report will print a footer with various totals. The footer is printed always, regardless if there is any detailed data in the Cleared transactions section.


Uncleared Transactions
This section includes data that is in GL but not cleared in bank statement – GL transactions where:


As with all other sections, this section contains sub-sections with debits and credits, and a total is printed at the end of each sub-section and section. No special totals. If no data exists in this section, no footer will be printed.

Cleared Bank but not in GL Balance Transactions
This section contains transactions that are cleared in current or previous bank statement but posted to GL in a period greater than the specified fiscal period.  As all other sections, this section contains sub-sections with debits and credits, and a total is printed at the end of each sub-section and section. The footer for this section is printed always, regardless if we have any detailed data in it, or not. 

Calculated Ending Balance Per GL: - Calculated Balance Per Bank (from the Cleared Transactions section) plus total of the Uncleared transactions plus total of the Cleared but not in GL section (Total Checks and Other Payments (Uncleared and Not in GL) + Total Deposits and Other Credits (Uncleared and Not in GL))
Ending Balance Per GL: calculated amount as a sum of General Ledger's (debit - credit) for the Bank's account, organization and post date before the selected fiscal period end date.
Unreconciled Balance Per GL: Calculated Balance Per GL - Ending Balance Per GL

PDF and Excel Output

On this report you will notice the PDF () and Excel () icons, which can be used to produce the report output in these alternative formats.


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