What's new in this release

Unanet 10.3 includes a number of exciting new and improved features to help you more easily run your business.   Among the more noteworthy enhancements, the Invoice Formats have gained additional configuration and filtering options, default date format options, additional sub-totals choices, and a new capability to automatically generate invoice Write Offs for the purpose of addressing rounding concerns.  The Vendor Invoice List and Invoice List screens have gained selection criteria to allow for searching by Invoice Amount and Balance Amount Range.  The email templates used for Project Alerts can now be customized similar to other Email Notification templates.

A number of additional enhancements round out the release, including 10 new User Defined Fields added to the Organization Contacts, additional filtering option added to the Project search criteria control on a number of screens, and more.


See below for:

New Features and Functions



Note that this will allow you to fix incorrect postings or posting in the wrong period by simply rerunning the posting process without needing to unpost the incorrect posting as previously required.



!!  Important  !!

Impacts to Existing Installations

Please review the System Requirements help page to make sure your platform has the necessary underlying component versions to support this version of Unanet.  

The platform minimum requirements between this version and version 10.2 have not changed.

Note recent changes:

Beginning with version (v10.3), we no longer support Java 1.7 or Tomcat 7.   
Beginning with version (v10.0), we no longer support Internet Explorer 7, 8 or 9, JRun, Tomcat 6.x, Java 1.6, SQL Server 2005 or Oracle 10.   
Beginning with version (v9.6), we no longer support Oracle v9 or Java 1.5.   
Beginning with version (v9.5), we no longer support Internet Explorer 6 or Tomcat 5.5.   

Beginning with version (v9.4), we no longer support MS SQL Server 2000.  

Should you need to update your database version you will want to do this prior to running the Unanet migration.  
The process of updating your Sql Server database involves the creation of a backup of the database in the older version and then a restore of that file in the newer database version.

Java Memory Parameter Tuning -- Unanet 10.0 will require you to increase several memory related parameters in order to function properly.  See Required Java Tuning for more information.

Future Platform Requirements Alert !  Note that the following components will no longer be supported beginning with our next major release 10.4:     


The file layout for the Organization Contact Import has changed (all new fields are optional and added to the end of the import layout).  

      • New Field -User01 (Field #15)

      • New Field -User02 (Field #16)

      • New Field -User03 (Field #17)

      • New Field -User04 (Field #18)

      • New Field -User05 (Field #19)

      • New Field -User06 (Field #20)

      • New Field -User07 (Field #21)

      • New Field -User08 (Field #22)

      • New Field -User09 (Field #23)

      • New Field -User10 (Field #24)


The file layout for the Person Import has changed (all new fields are optional and added to the end of the import layout).  Note support for importing these fields was added in v10.2, however, the default template supplied with the product was updated beginning with v10.3.

      • New Field -Payroll_Hire_Date (Field #61)

      • New Field -Payroll_Marital_Status (Field #62)

      • New Field -Payroll_Federal_Exemptions (Field #63)

      • New Field -Payroll_SUI_Tax_Code (Field #64)

      • New Field -Payroll_State_Worked_In (Field #65)

      • New Field -Payroll_Immigration_Status (Field #66)

      • New Field -Payroll_EEO_Code (Field #67)

      • New Field -Payroll_Medical_Plan (Field #68)

      • New Field -Payroll_Last_Rate_Change_Date (Field #69)

      • New Field -Payroll_Last_Rate_Change (Field #70)


  1. Note that all changes to the import layouts for this release are either optional or conditionally optional fields.  That is, if you do not plan to specifically utilize any of the capabilities related to the new or changed fields, you do not necessarily need to make any changes to any existing import processes to accommodate these new fields (they will each provide for a default value).


Once you're all ready, here is a link to the migration instructions.



Migration Considerations

Note the migration from v9.6 to v10.0 includes running multiple sql scripts and potentially a cost plus data conversion should you have cost plus data in your system.

Migration Dry Run
Unanet encourages self-hosted customers to perform mock migrations in a test environment to identify and address potential issues prior to migrating your production system. The Unanet license allows for additional Unanet sites for the purpose of testing.  This does not apply to On Demand Subscription customers.

IMU / Command Line Import / Export Notice

If you are running the command line import.jar, export.jar or ImportDiff utilities (which are often called from within the IMU), be sure to copy the 10.3 versions of these files.  These utilities can be found in the 'utilities' directory and are also available on our Support download site.

Database Schema Changes
If your site uses any custom stored procedures or other external customized programs (e.g. for reporting or integration), you should review and test your custom logic to make sure it will function with this new version.   You may want to review the database migration scripts to gain a complete understanding of any new, removed or renamed fields or tables.  These scripts are located in your \unanet\database directory (under oracle or sql server).

Notify Unanet

Unanet Customer Service is always interested in keeping up with which versions of software are in use at customer sites.  At the conclusion of your upgrade, please take a quick minute to send an email to support@unanet.com indicating your success (along with the version you are running).  If you have the time, you could also click on the Send to Unanet button on the About page (which will forward your platform details to customer service).  
